We welcome all to join us in creating our legacy!
Your tax-deductible donation can be made online or mailed to our office at 1 S. Main Street #1 Carrollton, MO 64633.
Checks can be made out to My Hometown Carrollton.
Our organization is a 501C3 Non-profit organization, and we will send you a receipt for your records once a donation is made.
You can now purchase My Hometown apparel and gifts at the Carroll County Mercantile on the Carrollton square!
Email us for more information.
Friends of My Hometown
If the town of Carrollton has deeply impacted your life, and you are looking for a way to give back- we want you to be a part of our NEW Friends of My Hometown community! With an annual pledge donation, you automatically receive exclusive benefits such as: priority access to all of our local events that have limited tickets, annual FREE promotional gifts, many volunteer opportunities throughout the year and our insider monthly e-newsletter. You will be the first to know what My Hometown Carrollton is doing, and you can see first-hand the community impact that we are making.
We want you to be involved in the positive change in our downtown. YOU really can make a difference!
Donate to join us today!